Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ugh, moving....

So, before all my Canadian friends and family get too excited, no I am not moving back home (I still have to get my citizenship here first before we can even think of moving up there).  I am also not leaving Texas, or even the town we live in for that matter.  We are moving about 5-10 minutes away from the house we currently live in, and I have to say this, MOVING SUCKS.  If it were up to us, we wouldn't leave at all, but our landlord needs her house back since she cannot find an apartment complex that will rent to her and 5 dogs.  She has given us plenty of notice, and since our lease isn't up in June, we still have lots of time, but we ended up finding a place in Mid- February that allowed us to move in March 1st.  So that means, I SHOULD be packing, but I am not.  The house is just as nice as the one we currently live in, but the thought of packing up all of our stuff and then unpacking it just makes me crazy.

We are also losing our "play room" (which was really just a converted garage), but we are gaining a garage (which means we can store our crap that we don't need).  We have decided that C and G can share a room since they seem so fond of each other and G seems to light up in the morning when C comes to get her.  The house is 3 bedrooms so the third room will become the Sewing/Home office, and possibly the spare room when guests come visit.
There are things that I love about the house we currently live in, but then again there are things about the new house that I am looking forward too, like say - having a pantry and a linen closet!  So, if I seem a little quiet for a while on this blog, and my sewing blog, now you know.
For now, I am just slowly packing and purging all of the stuff we have accumulated since we moved in together and had kids.