Friday, January 4, 2013

"The Haircut"

This post was long long overdue, and I posted the pictures on facebook the same day I was *supposed to* post this blog post, but then I lost track of time and then just didn't post.

This post is all about the 9th of October 2012, aka - The big mop chop.

I have to say, I had absolutely no anxiety about cutting my hair, however, now I am nervous as to whether or not they recieved it.  I sent it off on the 13th of October, and they did say that it can take up to 60 days to acknowledge that they have it.  It has been much longer than that and I'm not even sure if I want to know or not.  My fear is I spent all that time growing my hair and now it's lost forever in the postal system, it will never know it's destiny as a future wig.

Back to the story, I went into the hairdressers, fearful that my hair wouldn't be long enough, thankfully it was, but the next time I donate it I will make sure that there will be more than enough, she stretched it out and put elastics down the entire pony-tail.  This was for measurement as well as keeping it all together.
After she snipped it all off, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders (or head, or whatev).
She spent the next hour and a half cutting and styling my hair, because as she pointed out - This wasn't a normal haircut, it was completely restructuring my hair.
It's still pretty short, but I've been lazy and wearing it curly rather than straightening it. I like it short, so does Andy, but I told him that I am going to grow it out, so he'd better not get to used to it.

How have my resolutions been going?

In a word "Not well".  Thankfully it's only 4 days in, so I'm not a failure.  I have been having a rough Christmas.  Actually from October to December, weightloss has been a disaster for me.  From Thanksgiving to Halloween, to another Thanksgiving to Christmas dinner, I have been a slacker.  I've seen a bit of weight put back on, nothing too crazy, but if I weren't paying attention week to week then it might be a lot worse than it actually is.  I've had too many "write off" weeks, in the past month so I finally decided to watch what I'm eating, but also realize that not everything is in my grasp (travelling and eating on the road SUCK!!!).  I have been to 1 jazzercise class since the new year began, and I bought a groupon for a kickboxing class, but I need something MORE.  I need structure and a gym, I need someone to guide me and coach me.  I am a slacker and I feel much better if I have a teacher who can tell me what to do, because frankly I don't know what to do when I am on my own.
I am really hoping to get the hubby on board to enrolling in a gym that includes childcare (for free), I know they are a bit more of a drive, but if I drop him off at work, and then go to a gym that takes care of my workout for the day, leaving him free to run after his day is finished.  I still haven't found a nutritionist, and I keep telling myself that I will, but only time will tell if I keep that promise.  Still going to keep up with the weightwatchers, as I have been successful in part because of them.
I'm looking forward to what this New Year will hold, and hopefully in the next few months I will be able to blog that I am keeping all the promises I made to myself.