Wednesday, June 27, 2012

194 or 195ish

So I lost weight this week, maybe?  I wasn't exactly near a scale from Thursday-Tuesday so I couldn't weigh in on Sunday morning.  We had spent the weekend in Galveston, relaxing, eating, drinking, you know how it goes.  I was fearful that the scale was going to yell at me and call me a horrible person, but when I got home tuesday night it said 195, and then this morning it said 194.4, and then tonight 195 again.  So I guess I am in that 'range', which isn't bad, I was happy I didn't go to nuts while out on vacation.  I did go overboard a little on food, but not in excess of what I could have eaten.

Now I am looking forward to getting back on track, and hopefully by Sunday I will have leveled out, and I can continue on.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Ooops, I realised I never did post my blog from last week, I started typing it, and then had to stop (probably baby related).  I weighed in last week at 197 (hooray).  So I was super pumped all week, and trying hard not to weigh myself because I wanted to make sure I was surprised.  I did cheat a few times and checked the scale, but not nearly as often as I used to.
This week I weighed myself and it was 195, I was so happy, it means that I am 5 pounds off from my pre-Clark weight! (give or take a few pounds).  I wish I knew exactly how much I weighed before having him, but either way I know I am not far off.  We had a really good week this past week, we ate out from one restaurant-and it wasnt even the fast food type!  Normally we get fast food 3-5 times a week, its a bad habit that we are both trying to break free from and the past week was proof that it isnt impossible to stay at home and cook.  It also helps that we bought a new charcoal grill and Andy loves to grill food.  Last sunday we also took a trip downtown to the farmers market and we went nuts on the fruits and veggies.  We managed to make Kebabs sunday night with some of the veggies we had bought.  Then we grilled some corn and dinner was good to go. 
I am looking forward to this week and I cannot wait to see what the number will be next week, looks like I will be setting new goals soon!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Booooooyah. I finally FINALLY hit my 199 mark after complaining about it for the last month. I stepped on the scale and it read 199.0 I did it a few times just to make sure. And after the week I had been having I thought for sure there would be no weight lost. My gym was closd on Monday, I tried to do p90x yoga on Tuesday, but miss baby didn't want to go to sleep. Wednesday the gym was closed for a family emergency and I finally got my workout on Thursday. Friday there are no classes and I don't go on Saturdays anymore unless my inlaws are visiting, so Andy is alone all morning with the babes. We went to the movies last night but I ordered grilled chicken fingers and veggies since I didn't want to go too nuts. Either way I'm super pumped as I'm only 10 pounds away from my pre Clark weight. Once Ive hit 190 then I will start setting new weight loss/toning up goals. I never thought that 6 months ago I would finally be at my pre baby weight and I get so pumped thinking about hitting that goal that I just need to stayed focused. Thank you to all my family and friends that have been reading up on my weekly progress. It keeps me motivated, and knowing that you are all working on your own goals keeps my head up on my bad days.

Friday, June 1, 2012

My outing with the babies

Today started out like every other day, I wake up, eat my breakfast and as I am enjoying my tea I stop to think about "what to do?" with the kids.
Andys suggestion is always "take the kids to the park", for some reason whenever that sentence leaves his mouth I get instantly tired.  I'm not sure what it is about going to the park that just exhausts me, but I start thinking to myself about how I have to
  • dress the kids
  • bring snacks
  • sunscreen the kids
  • find hats
  • find shoes
  • bring water
The list for the park is always ongoing and I think what stalls me out is the sunscreen portion for the kids.  I have to do everything else on the list when I take them to the mall *except hats and sunscreen*, but for some reason lotioning them both up irritates me.  I don't want them to get a sunburn, so I put it on, and it doesn't take long, but I just get frustrated, i wish there was a shower of sunscreen that could hit us each time we decide to go out to play.

Anyway moving on.....
I thought to myself that I would bring the kids to a different mall experience, so I drove 20 minutes to the grapevine mall and visited Legoland.  I wish Andy had been there, it was fun, but it is also something that requires 2 adults.  There are rides there that C could have gone on, but G wasn't allowed to sit on my lap so it was a no go.  He enjoyed himself either way though.  He didn't even put Lego in his mouth, not even once!  There was a slight meltdown when we went into Miniland, the train wasn't working so, no matter how hard C pushed that button, it wasn't going to go anywhere.  I had to carry him out, but he didn't kick or scream and didn't bolt back in there once we had left.  I wanted to buy him a bunch of duplo blocks in the store but used my better judgement.  I can't buy him everything, because as much as I would love to spoil him and G rotten they will start to expect it, and once you get in that routine, forget about trying to tell them No!  Also, I hate making buying descisions with Andy being there, he is the only one working, so I don't want to spend money like that without consulting him first.

After we left Legoland we went for Lunch.  I've always wanted to do a lunch date with the kids, without daddy.  I have always been afraid because frankly, Andy and I work best in a team, and if one kid has a meltdown there is another parent there to help out.  I decided to just try it, because the worst that can happen is, the children both start crying in unison, causing me to be embarrassed and potentially cry myself out of the restaurant.
I might have had my blockers on, but I really feel like both kids behaved the whole time.  C was up and down a few times in his chair, picking up forks and crayons off the floor, but he listened to me.  He didn't scream and didn't throw things and was generally the sweet boy that I know and love.  G had a few moments being a fussy pants, but I solved that problem by feeding her. When she was done eating I gave her a spoon to play with until the bill was paid and we could leave.
I couldn't fully enjoy myself because of the anxiety I felt of "what if they both freak out", and I just didn't realize how lucky I was until after the meal was finished.  The way they both behaved today has given me hope that outings will be a little less stressful, and maybe I can start to enjoy carting around my 2 babies, without that constant fear of "what's going to happen next...".

I am going to try going to a cry baby matinee with a friend, I know that will probably be a little less stressful because I will have a friend there, and there will be other screaming babies.

If ever I feel overwhelmed again by the way my kids are behaving I just need to look back at this post and remember that yes, they do have good days.