Thursday, August 30, 2012


Seriously, I am lacking on my updates, after posting my weight loss photos I thought to myself, "how do I follow up to that?".  I guess there isn't anything that I can say or do to top that, but I can continue on my journey and keep everyone updated.  It has been birthday party and baby shower central for the past month of August. Every weekend guarantees that I will be eating cake and other bad food so I've been careful not to go too nuts because I know each weekend I will get a treat (yay)!.  I've been so tired lately, Baby girl is teething and sleeping horribly, yesterday I had to drop both babies off at playcare just to get a nap in.  I couldn't function, which is highly unusual as I can make a pass even on my worst of days.  A long weekend is coming up here so I am hoping to get some stuff around the house done.  I am looking forward to September being over, but only because I am so excited for October!

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